Women’s embodiment activator, yoga therapist & mental emotional wellness teacher Rhianna Gawrys, presents…
The Femme Initiation
Creating a world that honors women & the feminine
The women before us proved without shadow of a doubt that we could succeed as well as any man,
but it came with a cost.
The cost of denying our feminine:
- The epidemic of overwhelm, stress, and exhaustion amongst women.
- The disconnection from our bodies due to feeling unsafe, leading to pain, sickness, and loss of sensuality and sexuality.
- The trauma resulting from the idolization of the female body for the male gaze.
- The fatigue of always bearing the mental load.
- The struggle to acknowledge, process and healthily express our emotions. Instead swallowing and denying them rather than be branded “too much” or “too sensitive”.
- The normalization of painful periods and of suffering in silence during menopause.
- The disregard for and belittlement of female intuition, which is body based, creative, and brilliant.
- The restless discomfort of affirming our self worth without it tied to our productivity or output.
It's time for the next phase of female liberation, whereby we forge a new path that honors the feminine & works for women.
Chances are:
- You approach your life like your meetings – in charge and with an agenda.
- You control outcomes, expecting x amount of time and effort to deliver your result.
- You keep making short-term sacrifices on repeat, thinking “I just want to get this done.” or continually saying “I’m fine.”
- You feel like you’re fighting to control life.
Feminine energy is the essence behind feminine power
Feminine energy is the path, tool, permission slip & map to:
- Feel safe & secure during uncertainty & in relationships
- Be successful & happy without sacrificing life or health to overwhelm
- Body love without parameters & expectations, just confidence in your own skin
- Be deeply connected to who you are & feel aligned in mind, body, soul & deeds
Where we begin, begins with where you are
For the woman who:
- Is overwhelmed & needed a contingency plan yesterday
- Has no room for more & desperately needs less
- Likes it quick & potent
Masculine energy is exhausting
For the woman who:
- Is ready to gently yet profoundly transform her life with feminine energy
- Feel power & pleasure, presence & peace daily
- Likes it deep & meaningful
Feminine energy is enriching
Become a woman unto yourself: bold, fierce, skillful & free
I am a sensual pleasure rebel, a wild woman, and a trailblazer.
I see so many feminine energy niches: “Lead your business with feminine power”, “unlock feminine codes”, “use feminine energy and polarity to attract committed masculine men”.
But I was looking for something more profound, dynamic and all encompassing than a niche.
- I didn’t want a feminine business that honored my rhythms yet then bear the burden of the mental load at home.
- I didn’t want a loving committed masculine man yet sacrifice my life and health to overwhelm.
- I didn’t want to feel sexy and confident in my skin yet constantly prove and strive for success at work.
- I didn’t want to feel deeply connected to myself yet be surrounded by a life that felt inauthentic.
I wanted it all; not in niche. But I never saw anyone teaching how to embody and approach life with feminine energy in all areas.
So I learned how to do it myself and now I trailblaze this new paradigm of living and working that honors the feminine.