Protect the Asset

Want to decrease that expense?

Protect The Asset

Increase Employee Productivity Without Sacrificing Wellness

Low back pain costs $100 billion or $34,600 per 100 employees annually. Pre-COVID, the World Health Organization named it the leading health-related economic drain.

Despite your company’s efforts, your employees still suffer from:

  • Back pain (80%)
  • Neck pain (45%)
  • Shoulder pain (20%)

To protect your most important asset, your employees, you need the power of 3 to alleviate, eliminate and prevent pain:

  • Neuro-muscular reeducation therapy
  • Functional movement and bio-mechanics training
  • Ergonomics without the fancy and expensive equipment
The Relief Space Web Images (1)
I’ve lived with chronic pain for 30-years and have had many rounds of therapy sessions and ergonomic assessments. I had never heard from medical experts the information Rhianna shared with me. I felt so empowered to make quick changes to my workspace and reduce my pain .

P.S. If we haven't met yet... I'm Rhianna Gawrys and case study #1

Condition: Low Back Pain

I lived in daily high levels of pain that hindered my work and my life. Surgery or opioids were my next medical options.

Neuro-muscular reeducation therapy result:

Of the $1000s I spent on care, nothing moved the needle like neuro-muscular reeducation therapy. I felt relief immediately, significant improvement in 3 months, and after 6 sessions over 2 years, I was 100% pain free.

In 2016 I received my certification in neuro-muscular reeducation therapy and for 6 years I’ve provided long-term relief to my clients.

I can help you and your employees too.

Rhianna Gawrys 2 for Linkedin
Client Case study #2

Condition: Low Back Pain

According to client, back pain level was "11 out of 10 while on pain medication".

Neuro-muscular reeducation therapy result:

2 days after private session client reported pain level of "4 out of 10 with no pain medications".

Client Case study #3

Condition: M.S. & Restless Leg Syndrome

Painful restless leg syndrome kept client up at night for hours multiple times a week.

Neuro-muscular reeducation therapy result:

After 1 therapy session, client hasn't had a bad day since - even a month later.

Client Case study #4

Condition: Plantars Fasciitis

According to doctor, plantars faciitis pain would last 18 months and be painful.

Neuro-muscular reeducation therapy result:

With daily therapy exercises, pain was minimal and went away after 6 months.

I've got your back and your employees'

Protect The Asset delivers both short- and long-term benefits to:

  • your employees (increase wellness)
  • your bottom line (decrease costs)

by breaking down your employee population into 3 groups and addressing their needs.

How it works

The program tailored to every employee’s need

Group 1.

All Employees

Method: Group Training

Focus: Pain prevention and mitigation

Format: Virtual 1:1 presentation  with Q&A

Bonus: 1. One therapy movement to reduce & prevent back pain + 2. How to setup your chair based on your pain handout

Group 2.

Consistent Discomfort Employees

Method: Individual Assessments

Focus: Pain alleviation

Format: 30-minute virtual desk review assessment

Bonus: One therapy movement specific to employee pain concern

Group 3.

Chronic Pain Employees

Method: Private Therapy Sessions

Focus: Alleviate, eliminate, and prevent future pain

Format: 60-minute virtual 1:1 private therapy sessions

Bonus: Therapy focused on the root of employee pain

You Protect The Asset when

all employees have the therapeutic skills they need to
improve their wellbeing &
stay productive
regardless of their pain level or where they work.

Program Costs

1. Group Training

Tier 1: Small Company

25 Employees        $1,000 ($40 per employee)
49 Employees        $1,500 ($30.6 per employee)

<50 Employees

Tier 2: Medium Company

50 Employees         $1,500 ($30 per employee)     
100 Employees      $2,500 ($25 per employee)
250 Employees      $5,000 ($20 per employee)

50 – 499 Employees

Tier 3: Large Company

500 Employees       $7,500 ($15 per employee)
750+ Employees    $8,000 ($10.6 per employee)

Employ significantly more than 750 employees? No problem! You still only pay $8,000

2. Individual Assessment

$100 per employee

3. Private Therapy Session

$115 per employee

I had a kink in my neck due to bad posture as I was doing other stuff working from home. I did the neck exercises Rhianna gave me and it totally helped!! I feel like I have a new neck! It’s like magic. Thank you!
Employee at Best Buy
My consultation with Rhianna Gawrys resulted in immediate improvement in my quality of life. She showed me how to create a proper work environment with the resources immediately around me. I am not only more comfortable, but more productive. I cannot recommend Rhi's services enough.
Employee at U.S. State Department
Protect The Asset from The Relief Space was an incredibly helpful, virtual experience for our entire team to understand best practices when we are all working from home. She approached the session with our team with great respect and thoughtful care and provided specific feedback for every member. We all learned a great deal and implemented better practices in our daily work from home environment. It allowed us to reconnect and be more aware of our bodies, which was certainly needed while working from home.
Mollie Windmiller
Owner & Creative Designer, LAB MPLS


Choosing a partner for your employee’s health is an important decision. During our complimentary consultant call, we’ll address all your questions. 

However, until we meet, let me address some questions:

This list is not exhaustive:

  • Back, neck, shoulder, hip, knee pain
  • Plantars fasciitis
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Carpal tunnel
  • TMJ
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Bulging, herniated discs
  • Limping walk
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Pre- and post- surgery
  • M.S.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome

This therapy is closest to physical therapy but with a different methodology. Neuro-muscular reeducation therapy addresses the root of the problem, not the symptoms. What most of our medical word is looking for with the conditions listed above is a structural problem (hence the x-rays, MRIs, etc). Most people living in pain have a functional problem (i.e. consistent muscular pain, muscles consistently need stretching), not structural.

Neuro-muscular reeducation therapy uses the sensory motor loop:

  1. to release muscular tension and alleviate, eliminate, and prevent pain and
  2. to increase mobility, stability, and strength.

It works with the nervous system and muscles as the instructor guides clients through therapeutic movements.

Unlike other therapies, this one is taught, not performed. All knowledge is power and the knowledge of movements tailored to your unique pain concerns is a skillset worth developing.

I’ve designed the group presentation to be scalable in terms of my reach and your budget. I am the flexible and personalized approach to your employee’s health and wellbeing – the model of the future. We can start with divisions or sections of your workforce for the individualized assessments and private sessions.

Recordings of the group trainings are available upon request for distribution to employees who cannot make the presentation. 

Individual assessments and private therapy sessions will take more time but we’ll start with employees with the greatest need and best fit for this therapy. See the list of conditions above.

My goal with this program is scale and effectiveness. It is designed to make the biggest difference for your employees and for your company savings on employee health costs (both tangible and intangible). If your company’s goal is to improve your employees’ wellness and improve productivity, then let’s talk about which of the three approaches would meet your company’s goals. Just keep in mind you will not experience the full benefits without the full package.

No, this program is for all companies. If you’re here, you already know there is room for improvement despite what your company already offers employees. This therapy uniquely bridges the departments of employee wellness and environmental health and safety.